Economic Community & Development Agency Logo


The Single Family Rehab Program is available to those residences in Kankakee who have been assessed and determined to have a health or safety hazard within the structure of the residence. The property owner must meet HUD income eligible guidelines and agree to the terms of assistance.

How It Works:

Assistance is provided based on the existence of extremely serious conditions where immediate action is required, then a “first come, first serve” basis. The program provides one-time assistance to qualified homeowners with emergency housing problems that pose a serious and immediate threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the household. All minor home repair improvements must remedy substandard conditions or eliminate a safety hazard.

Required Documents:

If you are 60 years of age or older or disabled and spend more than 3% of your income on medical expenses please provide copy of expenses (not including services paid by insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid.

You must return all of the above listed documents within 10 business days for your application to be processed.

    1. Three months or six (6) consecutive pay stubs
    2. Current bank statement
    3. Paid receipts of real estate property taxes (even if exempt)
    4. Copy of all social security cards from all persons residing in the home and photo ID for everyone over the age of 18
    5. Any dependents over the age of 18 must provide proof of school status or employment income.
    6. Copy of recorded deed for the home (May obtain from County Building, 189 E Court Street)
    7. Verification of Home Owner's insurance (minimum of fire insurance required)
    8. Completed expense report
    9. Three estimates
    10. Proof that mortgage is current and up to date


Pre-Application Form:

Thank you for your interest in the Single Family Rehab Program! Please complete the Pre-Application form. Please note that only ONE pre-application needs to be completed for interest in any of our housing programs and we will connect you to the appropriate program based on your collected information.